Hotels accommodation facilities: main problems

hostels and other buildings designed to hotels accommodation guests meet the necessary requirements and sanitary standards, and not all of them will be able to go through the hotels classification procedure , which is mandatory for all accommodation facilities in connection with the upcoming Championship. In St. Petersburg, only one of 10 hotels can boast that it has already passed certification.

For example, the standard sanitary requirements for a hotel assume the presence of a ventilation system in each room, a certain volume of living quarters (at least 15 cubic meters per person), a trolley for cleaning tools given to each person from the service staff. These requirements are quite simple, but in fact, many hotels accommodation, especially when it comes to small hostels, do without them. Unpretentious guests are ready to put up with these shortcomings, but the inspection, which is currently examining mini-hotels and hostels, will not put up.

The hotels accommodation procedure , which we discussed in more detail last time, is facing serious problems in Russia.

Impossible conditions and unaffordable price hotels accommodation

Many hotel owners understand that either they will not have time to meet all the corrections of the shortcomings within the specified time frame, or they simply will not find the funds necessary to get a star. Certification of the star rating of hotels  is not a cheap pleasure, and although the check itself will cost the hotel 50-100 thousand rubles – not so much money for a small business – to equip the room with everything necessary in accordance with the requirements may require a more significant amount … For example, in order to provide all rooms with uninterrupted power supply, the hotels accommodation may be required to purchase an emergency generator, which will cost her no less than 9 million rubles.

hotels accommodation

Knowing this, many hotels deliberately refuse to carry out certification, despite the rather big fines – up to 50 thousand rubles a day for work without officially assigned stars. Others hesitate, studying the norms and figuring out how to equip their establishment in accordance with the requirements. Ultimately, by postponing classification until the last moment, most hotels accommodation run the risk of not meeting the deadline.

Attek group experts reassure: not everything is as formidable as it looks, and even in the case when huge money is required for hotel refurbishment, almost always (with rare exceptions) you can find another solution to the problem – fortunately, there is experience in this, as and a desire to meet entrepreneurs halfway. Another thing is that hotels accommodation owners themselves do not always realize the scale of the problem, and most often this is due to a lack of information on the topic.

Lack of awareness

In the wake of the general excitement associated with the need for urgent classification, a huge number of one-day companies have appeared, offering to certify a hotel in a short time and inexpensively. There are no universal solutions against this – to check, ask questions and, above all, remember that a very small number of certification centers have valid licenses for the classification of hotels. So, in there are only 7 organizations officially registered in the accreditation system of the Ministry of Culture, and Attek Group is one of these seven.

The famous “maybe” belongs to the same category. Alas, even now, when only a few months remain until July 1, many hotels accommodation owners do not consider it necessary to carry out classification, believing that this problem will bypass them – the commission will not come, but the guests who, one way or another, will need to stay at least somewhere in the crowded football Peters burg, they will come anyway. The point in such reasoning, perhaps, is somewhere, but the risks are much greater. Already, half hostels will be closed due to non-compliance with sanitary standards and complaints from residents, and closer to the Championship itself, you can be sure: there will only be more checks.

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