Profitable diamonds investments in Australia

If you want to benefit from your assets in the future, not be afraid of a huge collapse or something else, then diamonds investments is what you need. But you also need to consider the peculiarities of investing in diamonds.

The first option for diamonds investments is jewelry. It is possible to buy or sell diamonds inexpensively at a buyout in the capital. But this has its downsides. The cost of a piece of jewelry depends on the name of the master, and on such a fact as “artistic value”. Jewelry is directly related to fashion. If a diamond is out of fashion, then it will not work to sell it for a lot of money. The design can also hide the imperfections of the stone, but if this fact becomes clear during the sale, then again the value of the product will greatly decrease. It is best to sell antiques. If the product is more than 70 years old, then it will cost significantly more than ordinary stones.

The second investment option is rimless cut stones. Here you do not depend on fashion. It is also easier to detect any defects in the stone when buying. Over the past 30 years, the price of diamonds has fallen once – in 2001, after the September 11 attacks. Over the past year and a half, the price of these stones has increased by 20%.

Speaking about diamonds investments, you need to consider that it is best to take diamonds of the highest colors and highest quality. These gemstones are rare on the market and this is what makes them valuable in price. A high quality one carat diamond costs about $ 17,000, while a low quality stone of the same weight costs only $ 900. If you decide to buy or sell diamonds in NSW, you can familiarize yourself with the terms of sale and registration of the purchase of diamond jewelry in a reliable buyout on the Arbat in the capital by going to the official website of the company using the link.

The problem with the diamonds investments market is volatile income for individuals. To begin with, all stones must be certified, otherwise all operations are illegal. The retail price differs from the wholesale price by about 50%. The costs of storage are also taken into account, be it a safe or a safe deposit box in a bank. It is worth buying one stone only for the purpose of long-term storage, or in order to make jewelry out of it. The most profitable option for an investor is an auction sale. Large stones are most in demand here. Well, the most unattractive option for selling stones is a pawnshop or a thrift store. Almost a third of the value of a diamond is lost here. Citizens of our country have the right to export abroad only diamonds in the amount of no more than 10 thousand dollars.

All these conditions drive speculators away from stones, while diamonds investments are the best option for preserving and increasing their funds. Well, diamonds are an ideal inheritance, as they are very durable.

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