Why is working with private certifiers efficient and profitable?

Do you want to know an efficient and cost-effective way to get your building approved in Australia without going through council? Do you want to know a profitable way to approve a building? Yes? Then let us introduce you to the importance of the private certifier.

Who is a private certifier?

A private certifier is a person or company that will inspect and approve your construction site as the primary certifying authority. He will make sure your building is in accordance with building plans and building standards including the Sustainable Planning Act of 2009 and the Building Act of 1975.

private certifiers

For example, Private Quality Certifiers is a group of accredited certifiers they have experience in building approval and certifications throughout all areas of AUSTRALIA. If you are looking for building certification consultations in Australia, Buildcert is an ideal choice for you.

What can a private certifier do?

During construction or renovation work, the assistance of private certifiers makes the approval process effective and affordable. A private certifier like Buildcert private certifiers:

  • Approve the application for construction certificates and development certificates.
  • Inspect and approve the construction site.
  • Issue a final certificate when the work is completed and satisfactory.

What a private certifier can do is regulated by the government. It is not the job of a private certifier to ensure that the builder follows the rules and regulations. Supervising work is the job of a builder or developer.

Benefits of hiring private certifiers

The following are the key advantages of hiring private certifiers:

  • Private certifiers are the most cost effective way to approve your building design.
  • They will make approval work faster than council.
  • They guide and assist you with all aspects of your application.
  • They are the only alternative to council.

Also, if you want your residential work to be approved quickly, then you need a compliant development certificate. Private certifiers in Australia have accredited the CDC private certifier who reviews all plans and documentation that meet the requirements of the Australian National Building Code.

private building certification approval

Does the private certifier inform the city council about the approval of my construction work?

Private certifiers are fully responsible for the work they certify. The engagement notification form, which you fill out and is a contract between you and the certifier, is mailed to the council to let them know that you are working with it. Private certifiers like Buildcert have years of experience submitting building approvals and final certificates to the council for record keeping purposes.

Municipal or private certifier: which one is better for you!

A professional builder can quickly decide whether council approval or accredited certifier approval is better. But for an ordinary person, it can be difficult due to lack of information. Before discussing the difference between the two, let’s see what a development application (DA) and a compatible development certificate (CDC) are.

A development request (DA) is submitted to the city council for approval to start development.

A Development Certificate (CDC) is issued to an approved private certifier and is an alternative to council approval.

You must remember that before starting a new development it must be approved by a CDC request or a DA request. Now the main differences between the private certifier and the council are:

building certification


The main difference between a council or a private certifier is the time required for approval. It will take just a week for the private certifier to provide you with a CDC approval, on the other hand, it usually takes 6-8 months for the council to provide you with the DA approval. If you need an urgent approval, you should hire a private certifier to help you complete your development requirements. The private certifier in Australia has expert technical staff offering building approvals and certification services to architects, builders and engineers.


Private certifiers have qualified and trained professionals who will review all of your construction plans and offer consultation in the event your design does not meet BSA guidelines. On the other hand, the city council does not provide consulting services for building approvals. Accredited certifiers such as Quality Private Certifiers deal with the certifications and approvals of all residential buildings in the areas of AUSTRALIA.


In general, the city council is believed to be cheaper than private certifiers. However, private certifiers like Buildcert are very affordable and will be quick and interested in the completion of your project. They have experienced certifiers who are accredited by the AUSTRALIA Board of Construction Professionals to handle your application professionally without any hiccups.

private building certifier
You decided to work with a private certifier!

If you’ve decided to go with a professional certifier, the great news is Buildcert has you covered! They have a group of highly qualified professionals who will complete your entire certification process and do it without complications and without worries.

Whether you need a Certificate of Development in Compliance, a Certificate of Construction, a Certificate of Occupancy, or services from the lead certifying authority, Private Quality Certifiers have a team of accredited certifiers that will take care of your building’s requirements from the more professional and affordable way. Contact Buildcert private certifiers today!

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