To know What are the new trends of two-wheelers for visit in Bike Shop?

A den of enthusiasts but not only . Bike Shop This event, “friendly and family”, is also and above all “focused on urban mobility, in order to discover the technologies and trends of the moment”, according to Alexandra , project and development manager for and organizer from the living room. Discrete and light electric bikes, electric motorcycles and scooters, hi-tech and safety accessories What are these products that the public is tearing up for?

The electric fitting in bike shop

The hero of the show, in addition to the motorcycle of course, is the (electrically assisted bicycle), which Bike Shop is constantly gaining momentum. Because today, buyers want electric, yes, but aesthetic! The batteries must be fully integrated, for a compact , with smaller, lighter, quieter and more efficient engines. However, count a budget of 2,000 to 8,000 euros.

Bike Shop

A very ecological system since the bike does not emit any CO2 and the production of hydrogen is done with solar panels or wind turbines, therefore electricity from renewable sources.If the bike is at the top, the scooter, “has experienced a big boom but the market is starting to stabilize

It is on its stand that is exposed the only one of the whole show. As for electric motorcycles and scooters, no dealership offers them under the marquee except the company Wheel Free. A nascent and a little fledgling market that is flopping with enthusiasts. For now, at least.

” Personalization is something that Bike Shop is in great demand today .
At Vélo de ville, which allows 100% personalization of your bicycle, you can choose the color, the spare parts, its battery, its tires … This is what people want, “insists Mickaël Tabard. If the “custom bike” does not yet exist, the big trend is the bike adapted and unique to each user.

The company also offers, for almost 300 euros, 3 hours of postural study with the client. “We measure the parts of the body, the flexibility, we will adapt its morphology to the bike. Two people who measure 1.70m do not necessarily have the same skills!” And whether it’s for motorcycles or bikes, pilots also want more and more equipment and accessories. Colored welcome screens allowing you to have the heart rate, the cadence of pedaling, a bluetooth link with the phone, comfortable saddles, ergonomic handles are the new trends for the VAE. Heated handles and seats
even exist for motorcycles!

Bike Shop

Hi-tech toys but not only. At the show, safety is also at the forefront with innovations that greatly interest the public, such as the Clic-Light by Mohamed Ait El Hadj, manager of the company Road Ligth. At 42, the biker, passionate and eager for freedom, invented this luminous safety equipment, which is worn on the back and which makes it possible to reflect the brake light and the indicators of the vehicle directly in the field of vision of the users of the road following the two-wheeler.

And if, at the start, the young biker wanted Bike Shop to find a more aesthetic way to be seen than a yellow cardigan, it is a completely different motivation which makes him advance today: ” One of my close friends had an accident Coma, rehabilitation for years … He told me that I had a golden project in my hands . At that time, what came to the fore was that my product will allow to reduce accidents for all two-wheelers and save lives.

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